TightLines Designs recently attended the 2010 North Carolina Main Street Conference, held January 27-19 in New Bern, NC. David Maurer, Principal, (representing TightLines Designs and our sister company, Maurer Architecture) also gave a presentation on the North Carolina Rehabilitation Code.
The NC Main Street Program advocates economic development, within the context of historic preservation, to promote downtown revitalization. Through using local resources and unique community characteristics, the Program helps small towns recognize and preserve their historic fabric.
TightLines Designs aids in these efforts by offering affordable housing designs that exude historic characteristics. In fact, many of our designs have been approved by the NC State Historic Preservation Office. Our homes are often built in vacant lots that surround existing homes in historic neighborhoods. The goal is to sell affordable properties that encourage homeowners to relocate to these historic downtown neighborhoods, establishing a safe and desirable community, to stimulate further revitalization.
Our sister company, Maurer Architecture, has extensive experience in historic preservation and revitalization. TightLines incorporates this experience and applies it to home and community design and development. Click here to learn more about our historic communities.