The TightLines team just wrapped up another great experience at the 2014 North Carolina Affordable Housing Conference! The event was held at the Raleigh Convention Center downtown, lasting all day on October 15th and the morning of October 16th. A big thank you to CICCAR, the North Carolina Housing Coalition, and the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency for putting on another fun conference. We enjoyed catching up with current clients and friends, as well as meeting a plethora of inspiring new people with some community design opportunities we sincerely hope come to fruition. Check out our booth!
In addition to attending several informative sessions such as “Bringing New Life to Old Neighborhoods” and “It Takes a Village: Revitalizing Rural Communities,” David, and our new team member Meredith, were asked to lead a session with NCSU Professor Tom Barrie. Their session, “Tiny Homes, Big Results: Another Approach to Affordable Housing,” discussed the range of approaches and examples of small housing units and how they can meet affordable housing needs. Some alternative housing options discussed included micro units and accessory dwelling units.