Is it too late to say Happy New Year?! 2021 got off to a busy start for the TightLines crew, so now that we’re all catching our breath we are excited to finally introduce everyone to our newest team members: Casey Calhoun, Deep Soni and Cooper Tharrington. This is long overdue, but they’ve fit in so well it’s hard to imagine it’s only been a few months!
Casey joined the team in June 2020. He has helped on a variety of projects so far, but he will mostly focus on our multifamily and senior tax credit projects which keep us busy year-round!
Deep joined us in August 2020, and focuses primarily on our single family work with Craig. He is also teaching us all about the game of cricket!
Cooper also joined the team in August 2020, and keeps us all organized! If you have a billing question, she’s your point person.
Please join us in *formally* welcoming all three. You can read more about them on our About page. Hopefully, someday this year, you will also be able to meet them in person!